Systems Consulting

Welcome. Systems Consulting has been around since 1988, when our "real" jobs were eliminated after a corporate merger. We offered (and still do, actually) consulting services to industry in the following areas:

As time went on, we tended to concentrate on computers, networks, and information systems for small businesses, and some web site design. We also discovered that small businesses generally don't want to mess around with consultants - they want somebody to put the solution in place. So that's what we do.

If you want someone to advise you about a problem, we can do it. If you want someone to develop and install a solution to a problem, we're even better at that.

We are currently trying to retire (have been for a couple of years), but haven't been able to completely give it up. Mostly we just do websites now. And a little networking. And some computer repair and installation. And other stuff if it sounds like fun, & not too strenuous.

Recently, for example, we designed and installed a sound system for a day spa -- putting individual speaker sets and volume controls into each room, fed by a single music source.

A few of the website we've done are:

One on Photography.

One on Motorcycle Touring in Europe.

A Day Spa.

A CNC Machine Shop.

And a Real Estate and Construction Company

We currently have a house in Baja California Norte, Mexico for sale. For details, click here.

Contact us if you have any questions. Web Hosting